Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Another Day, another... something?

So, I have to laugh a little bit at myself, after giving a presentation on the importance of blogging, I haven't made a post since. Well, that's life, I suppose. I could promise myself to make them more often, but that promise is about as empty as my dating life right now. So, take what you can get, I suppose.

Grad school started again this week. This is semester 2 of 6 on my way to getting a master's degree in Computer Information System. I've become friends with my professor/advisor, Dr. Pardue, and I'm glad to say I'm in one of his classes this semester. Last spring, before I started back at school, I actually helped Hari give a guest lecture to one of Pardue's classes... which is now the class I am taking this semester. I find this amusing. The majority of the class is going to be learning how to work in n-tier architectures, which I also find amusing, as this is what I do at work all day long. There is no text book, the tests are open book/open internet, and the material is old hat for me. I'm going to call this one an easy A. Not sure how the other class is going to work yet, more on that I as find out.

On the WoW Front, it's been an interesting week... my raiding guild just had a schism, where we lost about a third of our veteran raiders. Their loss hurts, but we were still able to clear TOC 25 without too much trouble last night. We've suffered through worse, we'll recover from this too. Even if we have to limit ICC to 10 mans for awhile, we'll be fine, and I'll still get to see Arthas die. That's all I want to see any more.

In other news, I've moved Adron over to Arcane, which is surprisingly easy. My DPS in raids has gone up 2-3k, depending on the fight, and it's much easier to do mindlessly while I'm directing raids. Now if I could just sort out the targeting issues I've got on multi-mob boss fights, I'll be golden. I'm also playing my DK a lot more... I've put together a solid DPS set of gear on him, and I'm tanking heroics with him too. He's no pally, but tanking on him is kind of fun. Khaav remains a rock solid tank, I could tank in 25 man TOC or even ICC if I had too... which I might, depending on how this all shakes out.

My home situation continues to improve. I bought a 46" HDTV over christmas, got a free blu-ray player in the deal, and got both connected to the internet. There is something very surreal about watching a You-Tube video in 46" HD. I've also (finally), cleaned all the detritus out of my bedroom. I just need to hang my artwork in there and I'll be good. I also cleaned both bathrooms, which was way past due. I'm working my way forward... next up will be the kitchen, then the living room... I'll polish off my computer area last, and hopefully I wont be ashamed to bring people over to visit ;)

As for my personal fitness, I'm a bit down on that... I knew I put back most of the weight I lost before I moved out of Chattanooga... I didn't realized I had actually put on more than I lost. I hope that some of that is just the extra muscle I built back then, but I really haven't done anything with that muscle in 3 years, I don't think much if it is still around. I need to get off my ass and back on my bike. It would help if I stopped playing so damn much WoW...

Work goes on. I just had my annual review last week. It went great, no surprises, nothing unexpected. No promotion either, but that's because I'm a slacker and haven't done my pre-requisites yet. Hari basically told me the promotion is waiting for me, as soon as I get my cert and finish these competencies. It's a goal to work for, and with a promotion will most likely come a raise... and we all like raises, right? I can app for the promo as soon as I get my pre-reqs done, I don't need to wait for another review. So that's cool. I'm actually planning on studying with my buddy Vegas for the .NET cert, he's trying to get the same thing I am. I've been putting it off too long, I need to just do it.

Anyway, that's enough procrastinating for one day... I have work to do!