Tuesday, August 18, 2009

ZOMG... Another useless blog!

{Insert sterotypical 'Here we go' style first blog post here}

So yeah. I'm starting a dedicated blog. I used to 'blog' on Live Journal, against my better judgment, and finally gave it up. I approached that blog from the point of view of 'What do I have to say that is of interest to other people'. All I got out of it was drama, and an overwhelming sense of 'Wow... I'm a boring son of a bitch, aren't I?'

Well, I'm older now. Wiser, perhaps. Still boring. But I've come to realize things. Blogs aren't really for any of your benefit. They are for mine. So, I'll be blogging about things that interest me, things that upset me, or things that just want to remember for posterity. Maybe I found a really awesome solution to a problem I know I'll run into again. Maybe I had an astronomically hellacious flight to Seattle and I want to vent it out so I don't take it out on the next asshat to annoy me. Maybe I found a bitchin' cheesecake recipe. Maybe I just dinged my 5th level 80 in World of Warcraft. Who knows?

I'll be using this blog as a personal journal for my benefit, not yours. You (whoever you are) are welcome to comment on my posts, and if you get something useful out of this, awesome sauce... but don't expect it. Feel free to yell at me, tell me I'm wrong, or laugh in my general direction... If you enlighten me, good on you. I'll be happy to delete your comments if you annoy me.

That's all I've got. I'm in the middle of a conference right now, I'll come back and edit this later.


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