Tuesday, September 15, 2009

More Warcraft Goodness!

So yeah... Equilibrium (my guild, EQ), is 2 years old this week. I was there for the guild first kill of Gruul (which was hot stuff for us back then, only 1 or 2 people in the guild had seen him die), and I was there for the guild first kill of Anub'arak this week in 25 man TOC. It's been a wild and crazy ride so far :D

In non-raiding news, I got my Shaman from 76 to 80 in 1 day this past weekend, bringing my total number of lvl 80's up to 5. I also got the last 2 points I needed in my leatherworking profession on the hunter, which means I have officially maxed out every primary profession (450 skill) in WoW.

I really need a social life! :P

I also need to update the guild front page again. Last picture on it was our kill of Kologarn in Ulduar. We've made progress since then ;) I need to put Dreamweaver back on my Windows 7 laptop and get my environment set back up so I can work on it again. I would rather work on it from a VM, but I don't think I have time to do that right now. Maybe later. We'll see.

Anyway, back to work,

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's WoW-tastic!

So, my guild in World of Warcraft (WoW) has been raiding steady for the past 2 years now. I've been a part of it since before we formed it up, and I've been one of the primary officers (Consuls) since a couple months after we made the guild. We started in the Burning Crusade Expansion, when we could barely clear Karazhan and couldn't kill Gruul. Since then, we've taken the guild through all of the T4 content, blew away T5 content (Serpent Shrine Caverns and Tempest Keep), and demolished T6 content (Mt. Hyjal and Black Temple), all BEFORE the 3.0 raid difficulty nerf. Our first kill of Illidan was something special, because we did it when it was still hard!

Since then, the Wrath of the Lich King has come out, and we've been tearing through that raid content with the same zeal. Naxxramas was a flat out Joke. We literally started clearing the place the second week we went in on 25 man. The dragons in Northrend weren't that much more difficult, although it did take a little practice to get Malygos down. Ulduar finally shipped earlier this year and we finally got to see some challenging content again! We had most of the instance on Farm in a couple months, but the last boss has been eluding us. The latest content patch opened up the next tier of Raid dungeon, the Coliseum, and still we hadn't killed Yogg-Saron, in Ulduar25. Well, last night we finally fixed that problem, with the Guild First kill of Yogg on 25 man mode!

The new raid so far is a joke, but we haven't tried it yet on Heroic mode (Heroic wont be available for 2 more weeks). We one shotted the new boss last week (the horde champions), and we 2 shotted the twins this week. Next week we'll get Anub'erak down in all likelyhood and we can start working on the heroic mode of the raid, and get some of that challenge back.

Anyway, I just had to get it out there that we finally got Yogg down in Ulduar :) I'll stop geeking out and get back to work now...
