Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Battle of the Bulge

So, I'm trying to get back in shape. This is good, right? I'm getting old... I know, 31 isn't really that old, but I can already feel the difference from when I was 25 and now. I tore up my back when I was younger and now it's coming back to haunt me... my knees are always sore or stiff, and I get winded walking up the 3 flights of steps to my client's office. This is no way to live. I miss the days of riding 100+ miles a week, not being ashamed to go visit my friends, and being generally more active. I also liked having a sub-40 waistline... So, I've decided to get back in shape and try to reclaim what I had in my mid 20's...

I'm on to a good start, I think. I've been working out every other day for about 2 weeks now. I'm down 2-3lbs, which is less than I would like, but I haven't done much to my diet yet, aside from cut out on the excessive junk food. I guess I'm taking baby steps. However, the work on my exercise bike is encouraging. I was able to do 22 miles in 1 shot earlier this week. If what they say is true, and every mile on a trainer is worth 2 on the road, I could ride a 40 mile bike ride already.... which is fortunate, since I've signed up for a 42 mile bike ride in Pensacola next month.

That's right, I'm getting back on the bike! The Tour de Cure, which was always one of my big summer rides back in TN, has a local ride here on the gulf. It's not a 150 mile, 2 day ride through the hills of North Georgia, but it still promises to be a good time. This one has a metric (62 miles) and a 42 mile option. I've signed up for the 42 mile option, but I have this subversive little thought in the back of my head that says if I get to the 62 mile split and I'm not considering sepuku, I'll do the full metric. I've never failed to finish a ride I started, and I want to keep it that way. Of course, the tour is a fund raising drive as well, and I have to bring in at least $100 to ride. I did that in the first 8 hours, but I haven't raised any funds since then. I've still got 3 weeks, I'm shooting for $500 to get the jersey.

Of course, all of this is lead up to the RideYellow this year. I rode in the first RY 3 years ago, when I first moved down to the gulf, and haven't been able to do much riding since. In fact, RY was the last major ride I did, and I regret that I've fallen out of it. So, if I can get through the Tour and then do RY, I'll be on the right track to getting my life back to where I want it.

My hope is that by doing all this, getting my diet under control, working out again, and getting healthy means that I wont be ashamed to go visit my old friends anymore. I'm going to Dragon Con this year in September, where I will see many of those old friends.... I want to be the happy, active person they remember from 5 years ago, not the fat ass couch potato from 10 years back, and that I've become again since I got off my bike last. I'll consider the effort a success if I can fit in my Umbrella Corp shock trooper costume for Dragon Con this year.

Speaking of self improvement, I've taken the first several steps to getting my eyes fixed. Living 20/110 vision has been a hassle since the 6th grade, and I'm finally ready to be done with it. I've gotten my initial screening out of the way and I've been cleared to go in for the full exam. I've also secured enough financing to cover the $5000 cost. I'm going in for a full eye exam next week to ensure I'm a solid candidate, and get the operation done. After my extended exam I could be on the table within a week.

After that, I'll need to look about getting established with a good dentist, get my teeth cleaned, and see about brightening them up a bit.... more on that after I get my eyes sorted out. One thing at a time, you see ;)

There's also Grad School to discuss, but there isn't much to talk about on that front. I'm doing the bare minimum in my Project Management class, which is kind of depressing. My Analysis and Design class is a cake walk, which suites me just fine. I'm having to evaluate if I really want to take summer classes, if of I want those 3 months off to sort of get my life back in order and get my head on right about Grad School. I'm kind of losing interest in school as I pile more and more shit on my life these days, and the thought of taking 2 summer classes right now just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Besides, if I spread Grad school out over 3 years, that will give me enough time to pay off the Lasik before I have to start paying on my student loans again. The risk there is what happens if I lose my job between now and then, and don't get reimbursed for the grad school? I guess I can't worry about that right now, I just have to press on with what makes the most sense.

Anyway, I've got a lot going on right now, and a lot of choices to make in the near future. It's going to be an interesting summer, I imagine.


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