Thursday, July 22, 2010

Trying out Windows Live Writer

I’m always on the lookout for new and interesting tools to play around with on the web.  Today, at a lunch training session at work, we were introduced to Windows Live Writer, a Blogging platform tool that Microsoft put out.  We’re going to be using it at work to collaborate on a group SharePoint blog for our office.  However, when James installed it on the conference room computer, I noticed that this tool had support for blogger accounts (like this one, and my developer journal).  So, since I had to install this anyway for the office blog, I thought I would try it out and see how I liked it for my Blogger account as well.

So far, I’m ok with it.  It’s got a nice WYSIWYG interface, it lets me publish directly to the blog or save as draft (I have as many unpublished ‘draft’ blog posts as I do published ones), and it supports multiple accounts.  I like that.  It’s also supposed to support picture uploads, tagging, videos, and other such things.  I’ll play around with those later.  Well, maybe I’ll play around with the picture thing now, as I never pass up an opportunity to put up a Deadpool demotivational poster!


I’m not sure if having a new utility to write blog posts will make my writing any more prolific, but since I’m not writing this blog for other people to read, I don’t know that it matters.  I blog when I blog, when I think I have a post coherent enough to publish next to my name (because, you never know who *might* find it by accident).

Posting to a draft seemed to work just fine, but doing so also wiped out my white space in between my paragraphs.  The preview of this post in Live Writer doesn’t show that problem.  I need to see if publishing a full on post will have the safe effect.  I wouldn’t be surprised to find that this post only renders properly in IE, if I publish it from this tool.  If that’s the case, I’ll stick to my web interface for making new posts to my accounts.

*EDIT:  Publishing the post seems to have resolved any white space issues, and the page renders properly in Firefox.  I think I may end up liking this tool after all…


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